Friday, September 26, 2008

What I didn't achieve this week.

I didn't walk the dog. Poor Baloo, my beautiful golden labrador. Shame he eats poo and digs gigantic holes, or he'd be perfect. I should mention he's not just my dog - there are 3 other people in this house, but they are manic triathletes, they have mountains to climb and marathons to run.

I didn't manage to cook anything edible. This folks, is a lesson in why you shouldn't turn vegetarian before you've grasped some necessary cooking skills. Cooking should come as easy as eating, because the latter is really hard without the former. Who said Couscous is a quick and easy meal!? Well maybe it is, just don't follow the Samremo instructions, unless you want Couscous of the variety that looks like mashed potato which even your rats refuse to eat.

I didn't manage to read any of the books i got out of the library. I managed to choose them, carry them home, add them to the pile of unread books next to my uni crap, pick them up again a few days later, carry them to uni, and return them.

I didn't manage to get a haircut, which i am in absolute need of. At least i'm sure if i could see the mirror, i'd be able to see i need a haircut. I didn't find time to reply to any pressing emails, get a decent sleep, track down my uni credits from last semester, get my scooter fixed or paint the town red.

....Yellowbetty and I went up and down many streets. I sat purposefully on many trains. And my time amounted to nothing.

Right. First thing tomorow, I'll rescue my existance...


Caitlin Pyle said...

well, mate, you may have accomplished nothing at home, but in Florida you made someone smile!!!

Maria said...

You woke up in the morning and put one foot in front of the other, be proud, that is an accomplishment! If you can't cook couscous, eat salad! Hope you are well!