Tuesday, September 13, 2011

On Adulthood and other Disasters

I am so damn sick of being an adult. Here are 4 examples why I currently find being an adult a very unsatisfactory situation.

Example 1:

Bills, bills, bills. You pay one and another jumps up and hits you on the back of the head. How friggin injust.

Example 2:

Interviews. In fact the whole damn employment process. Construct a CV from the bits and pieces of your life. Deploy a winning argument to prove you have skills, disguise it in an attention grabbing but not overly self-absorbed cover letter.


Receive a call. Go to an interview, dressed like someone with “Please hire me” tattooed across their forehead, nervous as hell you must then expound upon the aforementioned skills.

This is no time to change the subject.

‘Great, I’ll call you back tomorrow,’ says the Prospective Employer. Invariably, they don’t. Did they just forget? Were they never going to? How long do I wait before I fire bomb them?

Example 3:

Washing, sweeping, doing dishes, cleaning up after pets... you no longer have anyone to defer these jobs to. If you chuck a tantrum and absolutley REFUSE to do them, nobody will care. You'll just be the smelly person no one wants to visit.

Example 4:

In fact, when the going gets tough, you have no one to defer your life to at all. You’re in charge buddy, step up and make decisions.

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