Friday, October 16, 2009

sleepless musings

It’s late and I’m tired but I’ve had too much coke (of the cola variety) - which I never drink and now I remember why. My eyes feel like they are wedged open by toothpicks but they are itching to close, despite the fact they just will not shut and my mind is ticking over almost audibly...

Or perhaps that’s some cheeky cicada outside my window?

Anyway, I’m thinking about people. Awesome people in particular. People who in their own unique way embody the best of what is generosity, or good humour, positivity, drinking ability, wisdom or just plain good company. Why is it that so often the very best of people are the ones that are only in your life for the blink of an eye? Awesome people who live miles and miles away, whose path you cross only rarely or who you get to know well before they disappear into the vastness of the universe again... or become lost behind the heavy stones of their barricades.

Is it purely so you appreciate having met them more? Probably. It’s God’s plan, fate, just the way it is etc etc.

All the caffeine in my system is leading me to conclusions. Primarily, I wish there was a way to keep the awesome people on the same continent. But I know there is email and jet planes and paths that cross again and funny memories in the meantime. In other cases, I wish there was a way to stop good friendships from dying horribly slow deaths at my own hands. But I know I should know by now when to stop shaking the life out of it.

Coke you see, provides the answers, but not the sleep.


Caitlin Pyle said...

:-) Our friendship continues to baffle me daily... that we can always have the kind of chats we do no matter how long its been, is just awesome. Soon we'll be on the same continent, though!!!

Caitlin Pyle said...

Also I didn't know what a cicada was until I went to Japan, those suckers are grosss and HUGE!!