Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I have one wish, and one wish only – it is a hat for every occasion. At first I thought this was an achievable wish, a worthy goal, but it seems there are so many more occasions than I ever accounted for. At first a hat seems perfect, versatile and open to new opportunities. But gradually I come to see, how it cannot be worn here, and it should not be worn there and there is nothing else to be done, but to purchase a new hat. Thus it became necessary to invest in a spring hat, since no other hat was quite up for the job. These spring days give me the shivers, not because they are cold but because they smell beautiful, and the sunshine tingles on your skin, and it takes a special type of hat, a spring hat nonetheless, to handle the joy of these fine days. So please take this as my excuse, for buying yet another hat.

And while I’m at it, it has been brought to my attention that my ears are forever mis-hearing and malfunctioning. Sometimes, ok mosttimes, if not alltimes, they are just downright useless. Generally, when they have twitched and turned this way and that and asked to hear the sentence again and still can’t decipher the meaning from the general background static, they just shut up shop and vacate the premises. Then my face concentrates on either looking very, very blank or smiling and nodding, based on the assumption that whatever was said was most likely funny. There are times when not hearing is a convenient, instantly believable excuse, and there are times when the creeping growth of deafness, is just plain frustrating, for me and the person whose throat is getting sore from yelling at me. Hence, here a disclaimer – I probably didn’t hear you.

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