Thursday, September 30, 2010

I have a confession to make. Despite all previous arguments to the contrary I now understand that you can be with someone 24-7 and actually not be in the least bit sick of their company. Furthermore I understand how you can spend hours just lying around talking to someone and then miss them like a whole week has passed when they are away for just one night. This in itself, is evidence of how much one person can change your life. I understand how an unresolved argument can feel like the Berlin Wall itself has been constructed between you, and nothing in the world feels right until someone concedes and bridges the divide. I understand how an hour between text messages can feel like an eternity in isolation. I understand how you can want to lock someone away in your arms, so that they may never hurt again and I know without a shadow of a doubt just how nice it feels to have someone get up ridiculously early and make your lunch for you because they love you.

I have, in fact, come to a whole new awareness of the deep and startling lengths that my own lameness can go. I guess after all, I am just a romantic in disguise. What can I say, people change.

1 comment:

Teenage Superhero Rockstars said...

Aww jeepers. That is just gorgeous. I know just how you feel. It's pretty nice, eh?