Monday, June 6, 2011

New Seedlings, New Beginnings

Lea vs. Gardening, v.2.0

I’m hoping that through persistence, the application of a certain amount of effort and a bit of luck, I will eventually acquire a green thumb.

All things considered, my experiment with tomatoes ended in a bug-eaten mess, my broccoli were abandoned with my move and my basil, whilst productive, became a tall, skinny, ugly plant that eventually went into the compost bin.

Nonetheless, I begin again. This time I’m hedging my bets. I’ve put my faith in my garden fairy, Amy, ‘Fairy of the Rose’. Apparently she was born about 1897; is quiet, shy and friendly.

I thought she would add something cute to my fledgling container garden, but as it turns out, faires make wishes come true. The lady in the shop implored me, “Buy the fairy dust, you must”, when I politely refused, she thrust some upon me. “Please,” she said. “I have a real thing about this, you have to do it. When you get her home tonight, sprinkle some fairy dust over her and make a wish.”

I left scared and confused.

Even so, I placed her in my garden, sprinkled the fairy dust (glitter) over her and chanted quietly,

Amy of the Rose, please make my garden green and plentiful, keep it free of bugs and let the sun shine gently here...

Let the magic begin....

[Incidently, I've actually blogged about fairies before, bizzarely repetitive.]

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